Revista Salud y Bienestar Colectivo
Mayo-Agosto, 2021. Vol 5, Nº 3 ISSN 0719-8736
This essay constitutes a critical reflective analysis of what we are doing and what we
want to achieve, which gives an account of what we must do to guarantee the right to
health that translates into a healthy life for the Venezuelan people. The intentionality
leads to find through the reflexive critical narrative a concrete and rational answer to
What is the challenge that deepens public policies in a government that bets on living by
living? The challenge is to give meaning and sense to the answer, that is, to understand
and comprehend what is "the basis of commitment" as De Sousa (1) says. Venezuela,
since 1998 after the arrival of the Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez as President of
Venezuela, nested hopes of a better world, in view of the almost forty year process
activated and directed by the nefarious political fact of the Punto Fijo pact, which by the
eighties, rebounded and transcended a way of life contrary to human dignity in the face
of the imposed neoliberal model, which materialized privatization, with frank
dismantling of the public sector. Many advances have been evidenced throughout these
almost twenty years in the attempt to prefigure the socialism of the 21st century. Today,
2020, subjected since the beginning of this process of change and transformation to a
permanent war by those who oppose a model of a country that has the human being at
its center and decrees social justice, important challenges are posed to face the effects of
the war, which in health are at odds with the right to life. It is necessary to take up the
challenges and transcend them in order to have an impact on the structures,
transforming them. This implies contributing elements that deepen the viability and
feasibility of public policies and that are permanently directed, under any circumstance,
to maintain a healthy life for Venezuelans.
Key words: Public Policies, Healthy Living, Human Well-being.
Este ensayo pudiera ser un atrevimiento para increpar al aparato del gobierno
venezolano a asumir una concepción de salud consustanciada con una realidad en
continuo y acelerado movimiento que subsume las condiciones, modos y estilos de vida
en un modo de producción ideado, creado por el sistema dominante y que da cuenta del
modo de vivir, enfermar y morir del pueblo venezolano.
1.- Contexto general de la salud en Venezuela
1.1.- Que teníamos en salud antes de 1998?
La vida en Venezuela como en cualquier sociedad se desenvuelve en un gran
movimiento que va vinculando al humano con la naturaleza, con la intencionalidad de
producir como sujeto para cubrir las necesidades, lo que es un hecho histórico, eso fue
conformando los modos de vivir.
La imposición del capitalismo fue desarrollando la acumulación de capital en ese
vínculo sociedad-naturaleza; el ser humano dejo de ser el centro, al ser sustituido por la